Under current conditions, the World Resources Institute projects that our planet faces a 56% water deficit by 2030. The lasting effects of water stress impact the communities where we work and live, compelling businesses, governments, and individuals alike to take urgent action. If no one leads on water, the world will run dry!
ecolab watermark study
Ecolab is one of our Abundium multinational members and a global leader in water. They release the Ecolab Watermark™ Study every year to learn where and how to protect this finite resource. The study seeks to understand the views and needs of the general population and builds the business case for positive change towards a water secure future.
The latest results of the Ecolab Watermark Study looked at the State of Water Stewardship globally and in Australia:
- 71% of consumers in Australia list clean and safe water as a significant environmental concern
- 69% of consumers believe manufacturers/ businesses lack clear guidance and/or plans to combat water scarcity
- most consumers state that government (over other stakeholders) has the biggest influence in helping conserve water and with funding efforts to help this crisis
a business case for water
Abundium wanted to shed light on this issue and recently hosted a dialogue at Baker McKenzie in Sydney to help drive collective impact for a 100% Positive Water Future as part of the World Water Day week.
Four passionate leaders from global multinationals, Coca-Cola, Ecolab, Nestle and Microsoft joined us to discuss the consumer perception around water conservation, and how corporates and governments have a role to play.
We were also joined by special guest Nicki Hutley, Economics Consultant, Social Outcomes, to share some insights from Davos and the key risks report which included a link to the environment.
key takeaways
- Help create a water secure future by focusing on high-risk ops and plants.
- Look for nature-based solutions which are good for the world and builds water sources for the future.
- Drive water innovation through data and AI projects for example using AI to supplement acoustic monitor to detect leaks.
- Foster water stewardship and advance the regeneration of local water cycles to help create a positive water impact everywhere your business operates.
- Partner with suppliers to implement better water management practices.
- Water exists within a system, we need to think about this challenge within the system and collaborate wisely.
- We are only hopeless if we don’t commit to change.
- Driving impact collectively for economic empowerment for local communities
- Elevate water to same priority as carbon. We can survive without energy but we can’t survive without water.
Where does your organisation stand on this important topic and how can we drive action together?
Let’s be the change Australia! I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Reach out via Linkedin or email me. Abundium members can join the conversation on Abundi-hub.