
Member QQ: Brian Krishna

Written by Bre Betlem | 21/12/2022 10:59:35 PM

"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." - Margaret J. Wheatley 

The magic of community comes from the members that make it just that.  

At Abundium, we are lucky enough to be connected with over 1000 incredible leaders with an abundance of collective experience and wisdom. Our goal is to share with you the top tips from the extraordinary people we get to call members and friends, on our journey to tenfold leadership impact for an abundant world.  

Brian Krishna is the Managing Director of Xylem ANZ. Having worked with the organisation for over 18 years, Brian’s passion for solving water goes well beyond the boardroom. After nominating WaterAid to join the Abundium Impact community through our matching program, Brian has joined the charity as a Non-executive Director, supporting their mission to ensure everyone, everywhere has clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.  

We asked Brian a few of our Abundium quick questions.

What is the best advice you've ever or never received about multinational leadership? 

The best advice I've received is stay connected and be culturally global, meaning not everything is the way we see it. As a multinational, I love to get feedback from colleagues overseas and adopt new ideas and bring them into what we do here in Australia and New Zealand.  


Do you have a favourite quote, concept or statistic about leadership that inspires you?  

One of my favourite quotes is, “Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things” which is by Peter Drucker, a great coach and leader over many decades. 

It makes me continue to reflect that what got me here as a leader of this company is not what I'm going to be doing tomorrow. It's a totally different focus.


What do you most value about the community? Any standout experiences?  

Abundium has been awesome in the last couple years. One is the staff. They’re really caring, really supportive and passionate about what they do.  

The second part is around the pandemic. I felt I had a network that I could share things with. I honestly thought I was the only one on many occasions until I came to an Abundium event and I'd network and realise, ah, okay, I'm not the only one. It made me feel, really good.  

Then the other part I really like are the speakers. One of my favourites was Dr. Peter Fuda. What he's done for me in the last couple of Abundium sessions I've been in is he’s taught me to be accountable, be responsible. He tells it very straight and direct. He says that “leadership is a mindset, it's not about a title”. I just love his wisdom and love the fact that you guys get that quality of speakers so we're able to get those learnings.


If you’re a member and would be open to answering some of our quick questions, we’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch here.