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Member QQ: Rodrigo Limon

"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." - Margaret J. Wheatley 

The magic of community comes from the members that make it just that.  

At Abundium, we are lucky enough to be connected with over 1000 incredible leaders with an abundance of collective experience and wisdom. Our goal is to share with you the top tips from the extraordinary people we get to call members and friends, on our journey to tenfold leadership impact for an abundant world.  

Rodrigo Limon is the Asia Pacific Director at Cypher learning, advancing the companies passion for education across the entire region. With a personal commitment to sustainability, back in his home country of Mexico Rod was invited to join a program that focussed on reducing waste in schools and later became an investor & board member. 

A tip from Rod is to try a Mezcal at Cantina OK! in Sydney, voted one of the top 50 bars in the world! 

We recently caught up with Rod at an Abundium Roundtable and asked him a few quick questions.  

What is the best advice you've ever or never received about multinational leadership? 

I think it would be stay kind and humble, especially at the top, as it tends to get a little bit lonely. You need to stay kind and humble to be able to address the issues that you have. 


Do you have a favourite quote, concept or statistic about leadership that inspires you?  

I think leadership is a concept that the world is still trying to get across, but I think it's a privilege or an honour that needs to be bestowed upon people that live values like personal responsibility, kindness, again, being humble, and just having a sense of service, because if you're not of service to others, then I don't think you're going to be great at being at the top. 


What do you most value about the community? Any standout experiences?  

That would be for me, the passion that the whole Abundium team have. The love and the commitment they bring into their work, it shows in the quality of events and the people that surround them in the community. 

In terms of my favourite experience type, I think it's the roundtables, but my favourite so far has been the Regenerating Australia Dialogue. I thought that was amazing. 


If you’re a member and would be open to answering some of our quick questions, we’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch here. 


Bre Betlem

Bringing the energy to our Abundium Multinational and NFP community to tenfold leadership impact for an abundant world. Relatable, empathetic and never without a smile whilst leading our Abundium digital marketing, comms and engagement.