I listened twice to Daniel Priestley's book Oversubscribed in one week.
So many great insights and learnings from organisations that are in hot demand despite there being a world of choice available.
Towards the end of the book he talks about how many entrepreneurs of the past were driven by accumulation, but that is now shifting to contribution.
Daniel explains that during the first Industrial Revolution people had unmet needs for food, shelter, transport, communications, education etc. Entrepreneurs who secured these needs for others amassed great wealth.
"We now live in a world where most people in the Western world have too much stuff. [ ] The only unmet need people seem to have these days is for more storage" Daniel quips.
Jokes aside Daniel goes on to share that in the current times we need to redefine entrepreneurship... from creating things for people to buy to creating things for people to get involved in and contribute to.
Salim Ismail shared a very similar finding with us from his research on Exponential Organisations - the fastest growing organisations on the planet, i.e. community is at the heart of them all.
The fourth Industrial Revolution (the one we are experiencing right now) is very different to the first.
The first rewarded those that built infrastructure like bridges between towns and factories. The current revolution rewards those building bridges between people.
What bridges will you build this week?